Hydrolates, also known as hydrosols, or herbal and floral water, are-by-products of the process of making essential oils. During this process, the herbs and flowers are distilled with spring water. The water is heated and presses itself through the plants as vapour, which coleects the essential oils and other ingredients present. The essential oils - whicht float on the surface of the water- are removed, leaving the hydrolate, which contains a small quantity of essential oil and other water-soluble agents form the plant. Nothing else is added to hydrolates and floral waters.
Genuine hydrolates are all produced naturally, as by-products of essential oil distillation. These waters can sometimes be used as they are , as skin toners, facial cleansers, hair rinses, for aromatic baths, baby baths, on compresses or in sprays for freshening up the skin. They can als so be used to replace, or partially replace, water in various skin care products.