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Dynamics Methodology Homeopathic Provings - Jeremy Sherr
Acknowledged by those at the cutting edge of homoeopathy as the most comprehensive and informative book of its kind. This book was written with the aim of motivating and guiding new provings. It explains the need for new provings and relates the process to psychodynamic theories of the collective unconscious as well as to established clinical drug trials. The book details the necessary stages of a proving, including extraction, collating and editing, repertorising and toxicological reports. It concludes with a detailed appendix of instructions to provers and supervisors, plus a list of recent provings and a proving example (Hydrogen).
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Dynamics Methodology Homeopathic Provings - Jeremy Sherr
Acknowledged by those at the cutting edge of homoeopathy as the most comprehensive and informative book of its kind. This book was written with the aim of motivating and guiding new provings. It explains the need for new provings and relates the process to psychodynamic theories of the collective unconscious as well as to established clinical drug trials. The book details the necessary stages of a proving, including extraction, collating and editing, repertorising and toxicological reports. It concludes with a detailed appendix of instructions to provers and supervisors, plus a list of recent provings and a proving example (Hydrogen).
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